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"Who Really Killed Cock Robin"
By Jean Craighead George
"Under the Green Hill"
By Laura L. Sullivan

Books To Burn


Ever read books that you absolutely Hate? Well these are our Hated books that we would rather burn than have anyone else read them. (just kidding, we just really hate these books.)



R- I am not that big on fantasy, but I will read it and sort of enjoy it if it is written well. Under the Green Hill completely went against that. This book followed childeren as they traveled to England to find themselves in the middle of a fairy war.  It's not a bad plot , it is just so long and written so uninterestingly you'll want to bang your head on a table. This book was so boring I almost fell asleep reading it. I give this one star.

"The Game of sunken places" by M.T. Anderson

A- okay so i love fantasy but if you want to read some good fantasy, read FableHaven not this. This book is so all over the place and the plot is so draining and complicated every twenty pages you are asking, "Wait what?" the mixture of history and fantasy are so poorly written it is frustrating. in addition, the characters are the classic nerdy-kid-is-best-friends-with-popular-kid and so unrelatable. I give it two stars.

The Team- Basically a Science Text book in Disguise, enough said. We read this book and give it Zero Point Five Stars. (yes, that is possible.)

                            "The Princess Plot" by Kristen Boie

by Kristen 


S- Possibly the most confusing book I have ever read. "The Princess Plot" tells the story of a mssing princess adnd a young, similar looking girl who is taken awaky by officials to serve as a replacement while the princess is being relocated. Sounds like a great tale, I know. But let me tell you, this book is anything but that. "The Princess Plot" skips to conversations where you have no idea who the people are and what they're talking about. Half of the things they are saying are boring and unneccessary to the plot.  THere is about fifty pages of interesting text in the entire 400 page book. I give this book Two stars.

Gathering Blue



by Lois Lowry

R- I hate to do this because the first and last of this series are so good, but i cannot say the same for these two. Lois Lowry is a great writer, the ideas for these two books, were not her best. They had nothing to do with the first book and they again just had bad story lines. Also if you think back to what actually happened in this book it was like something I could describe in a couple of sentences. I really had to push myself through these two books. Let me just say read the Giver and Son but skip these two.I rate this book three Stars.

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