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"The Shadow Throne" In Review

S- I recentlly finished "The Shadow Throne" by Jennfier A. Nielson, the explosive ending to "The Ascnedance Trilogy". The series is about a young prince named Jaron's journey to the king's throne. Jaron is as witty as can be, and makes fun of everyone in sight. On one occasion he even pretended to be injured so that one of his enemies could get beat up for "hurting him." In "The Shadow Throne", Jaron fights the war that he has been preparing for for months. He attempts to conquer loss, injury, and depression in order to lead his country Carthya to victory. Jaron is the most clever book character I've ever seen. He can do anything, destroy a canon, win a battle while severly injured, even keep the biggest secret in the country for 4 years! "The Shadow Throne" kept me constantly interested, and there were twists and turns all throughout the novel. Jaron is a character with many sides and it is always fun to see how his mind works. This book is fantastically written, with splendid word use. Rating: 5/5 book points!

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