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Champion is Really a Champion

S-Guess what book I read, "Champion", the thrilling endingto the "Legend" series by Marie Lu. In Champion, the pending peace treaty with the Colonies and the Republic is threatened when a plague breaks out in the Coloinies. Can June and Day save the Republic? "Champion" is one of the few trilogy endings that is on par with the other two books in the series. It kept me interested all throughout it as well as kepping a strong connection to the previous stories. Day and June's relationship hits it's peak, and Tess becomes a mcuh stronger, more influenctial character. You also discover a lot more about the history of the Republic. "Champion' is a book for the ages. It is fantastically entertaining as well as tells the story of two truly inspiring teens. I strongly reccomend this book. Raitng: 5/5 Book Points

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