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5 Days Shipping

R- I ship it like FedEx! Some things I ship so hard and I legitimately want to pull the characters out of the screen/page and slap them and then lead them in The right direction, my OTP. I believe I am an amazing matchmaker and the characters don't know what they are doing and they just need to get together and live happily ever after. Although in some scenarios I believe that that happily ever after comes too fast *cough* Disney, but in other situations you are waiting until the story is almost over until your OTPs become cannon. So I divulged some shipping problems, when it may take 5+ days to get that ship sailing.

1. When there are people around

Sometimes you are reading or watching a movie/tv show and you just want to yell at the characters or even when you first come to the realization that the two characters that are set before you are destin to be together... But there are people around. And the weird girl in the corner shouting "I ship it!" is considered 'rude' or 'unnecessary' while in your mind the words you just uttered are very important.

2. Lack of Vocabulary

When people don't understand what you just said and you have to explain it to them. I am very guilty of this for A is S and My personal fangirl dictionary. It is very hard to explain your feelings about a certain thing and the person you say it too has no idea what you are saying. They are just a tourist in a foregin land.

3. The Impossible

When you OTP is highly unlikely but you see the true love. Whether your passengers are related, best friends, or ultimate enemies you want them together. And when you ship sinks it is very disheartening and you feel broken into a million pieces, which leads us to our next issue.

4. Feels

If you have an amazing journey across the 7 seas or your ship is overturned and hurtled to the bottom of the ocean you are overwhelmed with feels. You are either so happy or so upset you just can't express it. You have no words for this and you are just overcome with feels. If you are struggling with feels right now only time and pain will heel. I am so sorry...

5. 5 Days Shipping

You know when you order something online and it takes forever to get to you? Yah, well it's the same with fandoms. Some times relationships just take so much time to get out of the port!!!

And other times they dock to early, and this is just really painful. You know to characters are so meant to be with each other and they just can't see it. This is an extremely painful thing to watch/read and you just have to wait the 5 or more days to start sailing.

See you guys next week!! These images are not mine by the way... They are from Pinterest!

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